
Case Study

How we created impact on the life of shrimp farmers by incorporating cutting edge technologies.

How we created impact on the life of shrimp farmers by incorporating cutting edge technologies. Business Situation Keeping farmer first the client wanted to have a model and strategy driven by big data and technology focused on delivering environmentally sound, sustainable and profitable farming solutions. GrowYT Approach Increased the flow of information, data driven study …

How we created impact on the life of shrimp farmers by incorporating cutting edge technologies. Read More »

How we enabled a leading loan provider to do customer segmentation and minimize documentation errors.​

How we enabled a leading loan provider to do customer segmentation and minimize documentation errors. Business Situation The client wanted to have a model to identify post loan behavior of defaulters, a credit risk assessment model for better decision making, and solution to minimize documentation errors. GrowYT Approach We built a team of sector data …

How we enabled a leading loan provider to do customer segmentation and minimize documentation errors.​ Read More »

How we enabled a leading retail super store chain to enhance sales and revenue using AI based solutions.

How we enabled a leading retail super store chain to enhance sales and revenue using AI based solutions. Business Situation The client wanted to have a model to optimize cost price of stock, rationalize assortment of items and have better demand forecasting. GrowYT Approach We integrated salesforce, promotion campaign, customer feedback, google analytics and other …

How we enabled a leading retail super store chain to enhance sales and revenue using AI based solutions. Read More »